Morning Fill Up with Dennis Daugaard

Governor, south dakota

Held october 6, 2015 at 7am at The garage

Dennis Daugaard is the 32nd Governor of South Dakota.

Daugaard first became involved in politics in 1996 when he was elected to the state legislature, with a record particularly focused on protecting children and helping the disabled. From 1981 to 1990, the Governor worked for what is now US Bank in Sioux Falls. He was ultimately promoted to vice president, and was responsible for trust administration and new business development in eastern South Dakota. In 1990, Daugaard left the bank to become the development director of the Children's Home Foundation, the fundraising arm of Children's Home Society of South Dakota. He worked for 12 years in that position. In 2002, he became the executive director of Children's Home Society of South Dakota.

Daugaard was elected Governor of South Dakota in 2010, and again re-elected in 2014 by the largest margin in South Dakota history. During his years in office, the Governor has prioritized stewardship of the state’s resources, including funding of transportation infrastructure,  management of the state pension plan, and maintenance and preservation of state buildings. Considered “South Dakota’s #1 Salesman,” he promotes South Dakota as a great place to expand existing businesses and to locate new businesses.

I appreciated his understanding of how the non-profit and for-profit industries both are critical to the success of a community and its people.
— An Attendee of Morning Fill Up with Governor Dennis Daugaard