I'm from the Quad Cities.
Davenport, to be exact.
(Davenport is in Iowa, for those of you who haven't been to Iowa before... we'll be hearing a lot about Davenport in the coming weeks as we lead up to the caucus for the Presidential Election.)
I was born and raised there for 25 years.
And I like to keep up with what is happening in my hometown. After all, I have many friends and family who still live there.
So, I was happy to read the editorial by Sherry Ristau, the president and CEO of the Community Foundation of the Great River Bend, in today's Quad City Times. As we mark National Philanthropy Day, the editorial is a wonderful reminder of the impact philanthropy can have--in all of its forms--on transforming communities.
“We don’t just need deep pockets. We need ideas, communication, and collaboration. We need team players who are willing to not only offer resources, but who also look to the future alongside us and see a community where we all step up to the plate to fill in the gaps where it is needed.
I ask you to be purposeful in your giving as the end of year draws near, whether that manifests in your life in a simple favor for an elderly neighbor, or considering a donation to a local charity, or even contemplating establishing a legacy endowment at the Community Foundation.”
The Community Foundation believes this so deeply that it has adopted a new mission: "Transforming communities through the generosity of our donors."
What I love in particular about the editorial is the focus on philanthropy to make communities better. And that doesn't just mean giving money (which of course is important). Philanthropy, you see, is defined as love of humankind. Sherry expresses that in the editorial so perfectly... offering a call to action to the Quad Cities region to step up to the plate and join the Community Foundation in visioning an even better future for all peoples.
That's a community--and world--I know I want to live in. How about you?